48 research outputs found

    Disproving inductive entailments in separation logic via base pair approximation

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    We give a procedure for establishing the invalidity of logical entailments in the symbolic heap fragment of separation logic with user-defined inductive predicates, as used in program verification. This disproof procedure attempts to infer the existence of a countermodel to an entailment by comparing computable model summaries, a.k.a. bases (modified from earlier work), of its antecedent and consequent. Our method is sound and terminating, but necessarily incomplete. Experiments with the implementation of our disproof procedure indicate that it can correctly identify a substantial proportion of the invalid entailments that arise in practice, at reasonably low time cost. Accordingly, it can be used, e.g., to improve the output of theorem provers by returning “no” answers in addition to “yes” and “unknown” answers to entailment questions, and to speed up proof search or automated theory exploration by filtering out invalid entailments

    Cyclic abduction of inductively defined safety and termination preconditions

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    We introduce cyclic abduction: a new method for automatically inferring safety and termination preconditions of heap manipulating while programs, expressed as inductive definitions in separation logic. Cyclic abduction essentially works by searching for a cyclic proof of the desired property, abducing definitional clauses of the precondition as necessary in order to advance the proof search process. We provide an implementation, Caber, of our cyclic abduction method, based on a suite of heuristically guided tactics. It is often able to automatically infer preconditions describing lists, trees, cyclic and composite structures which, in other tools, previously had to be supplied by hand

    Requirements, specifications, and minimal refinement

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    Refinement is usually employed to produce more concrete versions of a specification, or to add new requirements to it. However, during specification revision one may over-refine, thus incorporating unnecessary requirements. In this paper, we argue that this process can be formalised by the notion of minimal refinements, hence avoiding over-refinement, and prove that this definition is well-behaved theoretically as well as computationall

    Biabduction (and related problems) in array separation logic

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    We investigate array separation logic (\mathsf {ASL}), a variant of symbolic-heap separation logic in which the data structures are either pointers or arrays, i.e., contiguous blocks of memory. This logic provides a language for compositional memory safety proofs of array programs. We focus on the biabduction problem for this logic, which has been established as the key to automatic specification inference at the industrial scale. We present an \mathsf {NP} decision procedure for biabduction in \mathsf {ASL}, and we also show that the problem of finding a consistent solution is \mathsf {NP}-hard. Along the way, we study satisfiability and entailment in \mathsf {ASL}, giving decision procedures and complexity bounds for both problems. We show satisfiability to be \mathsf {NP}-complete, and entailment to be decidable with high complexity. The surprising fact that biabduction is simpler than entailment is due to the fact that, as we show, the element of choice over biabduction solutions enables us to dramatically reduce the search space

    A novel symbolic approach to verifying epistemic properties of programs

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    We introduce a framework for the symbolic verification of epistemic properties of programs expressed in a class of general-purpose programming languages. To this end, we reduce the verification problem to that of satisfiability of first-order formulae in appropriate theories. We prove the correctness of our reduction and we validate our proposal by applying it to two examples: the dining cryptographers problem and the ThreeBallot voting protocol. We put forward an implementation using existing solvers, and report experimental results showing that the approach can perform better than state-of-the-art symbolic model checkers for temporal-epistemic logic

    An argument-based approach to reasoning with clinical knowledge

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    Better use of biomedical knowledge is an increasingly pressing concern for tackling challenging diseases and for generally improving the quality of healthcare. The quantity of biomedical knowledge is enormous and it is rapidly increasing. Furthermore, in many areas it is incomplete and inconsistent. The development of techniques for representing and reasoning with biomedical knowledge is therefore a timely and potentially valuable goal. In this paper, we focus on an important and common type of biomedical knowledge that has been obtained from clinical trials and studies. We aim for (1) a simple language for representing the results of clinical trials and studies; (2) transparent reasoning with that knowledge that is intuitive and understandable to users; and (3) simple computation mechanisms with this knowledge in order to facilitate the development of viable implementations. Our approach is to propose a logical language that is tailored to the needs of representing and reasoning with the results of clinical trials and studies. Using this logical language, we generate arguments and counterarguments for the relative merits of treatments. In this way, the incompleteness and inconsistency in the knowledge is analysed via argumentation. In addition to motivating and formalising the logical and argumentation aspects of the framework, we provide algorithms and computational complexity results

    A generic cyclic theorem prover

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    We describe the design and implementation of an automated theorem prover realising a fully general notion of cyclic proof. Our tool, called CYCLIST, is able to construct proofs obeying a very general cycle scheme in which leaves may be linked to any other matching node in the proof, and to verify the general, global infinitary condition on such proof objects ensuring their soundness. CYCLIST is based on a new, generic theory of cyclic proofs that can be instantiated to a wide variety of logics. We have developed three such concrete instantiations, based on: (a) first-order logic with inductive definitions; (b) entailments of pure separation logic; and (c) Hoare-style termination proofs for pointer programs. Experiments run on these instantiations indicate that CYCLIST offers significant potential as a future platform for inductive theorem proving. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012

    Model checking for symbolic-heap separation logic with inductive predicates

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    We investigate the *model checking* problem for symbolic-heap separation logic with user-defined inductive predicates, i.e., the problem of checking that a given stack-heap memory state satisfies a given formula in this language, as arises e.g. in software testing or runtime verification. First, we show that the problem is *decidable*; specifically, we present a bottom-up fixed point algorithm that decides the problem and runs in exponential time in the size of the problem instance. Second, we show that, while model checking for the full language is EXPTIME-complete, the problem becomes NP-complete or PTIME-solvable when we impose natural syntactic restrictions on the schemata defining the inductive predicates. We additionally present NP and PTIME algorithms for these restricted fragments. Finally, we report on the experimental performance of our procedures on a variety of specifications extracted from programs, exercising multiple combinations of syntactic restrictions

    RacerD: compositional static race detection

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    Automatic static detection of data races is one of the most basic problems in reasoning about concurrency. We present RacerD—a static program analysis for detecting data races in Java programs which is fast, can scale to large code, and has proven effective in an industrial software engineering scenario. To our knowledge, RacerD is the first inter-procedural, compositional data race detector which has been empirically shown to have non-trivial precision and impact. Due to its compositionality, it can analyze code changes quickly, and this allows it to perform continuous reasoning about a large, rapidly changing codebase as part of deployment within a continuous integration ecosystem. In contrast to previous static race detectors, its design favors reporting high-confidence bugs over ensuring their absence. RacerD has been in deployment for over a year at Facebook, where it has flagged over 2500 issues that have been fixed by developers before reaching production. It has been important in enabling the development of new code as well as fixing old code: it helped support the conversion of part of the main Facebook Android app from a single-threaded to a multi-threaded architecture. In this paper we describe RacerD’s design, implementation, deployment and impact

    A Compositional Deadlock Detector for Android Java

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    We develop a static deadlock analysis for commercial Android Java applications, of sizes in the tens of millions of LoC, under active development at Facebook. The analysis runs primarily at code-review time, on only the modified code and its dependents; we aim at reporting to developers in under 15 minutes. To detect deadlocks in this setting, we first model the real language as an abstract language with balanced re-entrant locks, nondeterministic iteration and branching, and non-recursive procedure calls. We show that the existence of a deadlock in this abstract language is equivalent to a certain condition over the sets of critical pairs of each program thread; these record, for all possible executions of the thread, which locks are currently held at the point when a fresh lock is acquired. Since the critical pairs of any program thread is finite and computable, the deadlock detection problem for our language is decidable, and in NP. We then leverage these results to develop an open-source implementation of our analysis adapted to deal with real Java code. The core of the implementation is an algorithm which computes critical pairs in a compositional, abstract interpretation style, running in quasi-exponential time. Our analyser is built in the INFER verification framework and has been in industrial deployment for over two years; it has seen over two hundred fixed deadlock reports with a report fix rate of ∌54%